Have some ideas about how Google Apps might boost engagement in your course?
Are you looking to revise an assignment, a topic or unit, or even the whole course to fine tune the learning environment?
We would love to help!
Some suggestions for possible ways we can assist you in preparing your courses include:
- Learning and setting up web-based tools (Google Apps, SafeAssign, Blackboard gradebook, journals, or blogs, etc.) to make the administration of your course more efficient
- Incorporating digital tools to support group work, organization, and collaboration in course assignments
- Best practices for setting up assignments, tests, and quizzes for your students using online tools
- Efficient and effective course layouts in Blackboard
- Creation of a Google Site for course or SMP support
- Tools for student feedback in formative and summative assessment
If any of these topics spark an idea that you would like to discuss, feel free to fill out the form below, and we will contact you to set up a time to meet. Not on Campus much this summer? That’s ok! We can work by Google Hangout(and its awesome ability to share a computer screen while talking), phone, or plain old email if that is what works for you.
Don’t know where to start? We can help with that too. Just let us know about something in your course that you would like to improve and we can brainstorm along with you for ways to boost engagement and efficiency that work with the way that you want to teach.
Please note: This form is no longer live and the image provided here for demonstration purposes only.